Contact us: 📧 e-mail: 📱 Tel/Fax: 61-442-46-20 

Welcome to Bero - Maciej Beyga and Partners website

We design

We design elements made by us of plastics using the injection method. If you need anything made from plastic, please contact us!

We produce

We also manufacture plastic elements by injection molding from customer projects. Our well-trained team ensures that all parts leaving our production lines are in perfect condition, and the fully automated production line allows for quick execution of orders

We ship

We ship our products to any country in Europe and worldwide. We make every effort to ensure that the shipment of our products is as fast and problem-free as possible.

Professionally equipped machine park.

Our machine park

With professional machinery, we are able to provide our customers products with the best quality available on the market. Our services, thanks to our production hall are performed quickly and professionally. We make every effort to ensure that the customer who orders the goods from us is 100% satisfied with our services, so that he will come back to us whenever there is a need for products that we can produce for him. We strive to ensure that the created product is perfect at every stage of production, which gives us certainty about the quality of the final product.

We use the best machines on the market

Our machine base is equipped with modern equipment for the production of plastic components, which allows us to achieve perfectly designed products. Each client has a guarantee that the products manufactured by us are of the highest possible quality.

Our machine park is equipped with devices with clamping force from 50 to 300 tons and tie bar distance from 320 mm to 720 mm. Which allows us to adapt to each client's project.

We provide fast, trouble-free production

In our company, we are able to provide a reliable supply chain, tailored to the individual requirements of each client. Excellent precision and versatility of the machine park, allows you to adapt to stringent standards and recommendations received from the customer. Therefore, our services are used by companies that are leaders in their industries, e.g. furniture.

We constantly develop our skills and workshop

Nasza firma dokłada wszelkich starań by produkcja elementów z tworzyw sztucznych była przeprowadzana u nas według najwyższych standardów jakościowych oraz bezpieczeństwa. Dlatego też przechodzimy rygorystyczne audyty i staramy się uzyskiwać jak najdoskonalsze ich wyniki.

We have recently passed the ISO 28000: 2007 audit.
Bezpieczeństwem Łańcucha Dostaw), co pozwoli nam być bardziej dopasowanym do norm i potrzeb naszych klientów.

Top-quality customer service.

The high quality of our products.

All products, before being shipped to the customer must pass through rigorous quality controls so that the customer does not have to fear that the products purchased from us will contain any shortcomings.

We are ecological!

One of our important principles is to create our products ecologically. Caring for the environment is the basis of our business, which is very much appreciated by our contractors.


BERO Maciej Beyga i wspólnicy Sp. j.


64-300 Nowy Tomyśl


Tel/Fax: +48 61-442-46-20

Tax ID/NIP: 788-199-38-19

REGON: 302012481

Privacy Policy | Bero Maciej Beyga and Partners @ 2020